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Awards & Testimonials

Thank you to our lovely customers!

14th November 2013

This afternoon we just wanted to take a moment to thank you, our lovely customers, for taking the time to vote for us in the recent awards we’ve been nominated for. We hope you’ll indulge us as we share with you some of the wonderful comments we received.. “Working with The Hummingbird Card Company was a delight. The process was really easy & the final products were finished to perfection! I’m very much a perfectionist but I knew that I could trust the team at Hummingbird to make the invitations to the highest standard.” “An amazing product that fitted our wedding…

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We won!

25th September 2013

On Monday, we ventured to London to the Perfect Wedding Awards at The Institute of Directors on Pall Mall. With nervous excitement we entered the awesome building (with it’s grand staircases & incredible chandeliers!) & were ‘meeted & greeted’ by the Perfect Wedding girls. With a glass of champagne, canapes & singing waiters the presentations began.. We were so excited to win ‘Best Wedding Stationery’ 2013! A big thank you to all our lovely customers & Perfect Wedding Mag’s readers for your votes!

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The 2014 Wedding Industry Awards

5th September 2013

We’re really excited to be entered into The 2014 Wedding Industry Awards for the East Midlands as ‘Best Stationery’. This award ‘recognises & rewards excellence in wedding suppliers’ & is judged by experts in the wedding industry as well as (crucially!) votes from customers. If we’ve created your wedding stationery in the past year (since 1st November 2012) we would love it if you could could spare a moment to vote for us! (Thank you!)

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A little reminder..

1st August 2013

Back in June, we blogged, about how honoured we were to be nominated to win a Perfect Wedding Award. The voting for this ends on Tuesday 6th August 2013 & we would love your support! You can vote for us with Perfect Wedding here. Thank you!

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Perfect Wedding Awards 2013

13th June 2013 PWAwardsLogo nominee

We’re so excited to let you know that The Hummingbird Card Company has been nominated for Best Wedding Stationery again this year with Perfect Wedding Magazine. Hooray! We’d love your support, you can vote online for us from now until 8th August (you can win too! When you vote you will be automatically entered into a prize draw where you can win a luxury beach holiday.) Here’s just a few pics of some of our designs to remind you of what we’ve been up to: Thank you for voting!

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Perfect Wedding Awards 2012

18th October 2012

We are delighted to announce that we were ‘Highly Commended’ for Best Wedding Stationery 2012 at the Perfect Wedding Magazine awards. A big thank you to everyone who voted for us! Its been an amazing year for Hummingbird Cards & to win another award from Perfect Wedding is a great achievement for us. Thanks PW!

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We’ve been nominated!

13th June 2012

We’re thrilled to have been nominated in the Perfect Wedding Awards 2012. If you have a moment we’d love it if you could pop over to the Perfect Wedding Awards website & vote for us in the ‘Best Wedding Stationery’ category. By voting you also get entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a luxury spa day for two at a Champneys Health Farm!

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The Wedding Industry Awards 2012

15th December 2011

We’re really delighted to have won the ‘Special Touch‘ category for the East Midlands region in the 2012 Wedding Industry Awards! This award ‘recognises & rewards excellence in wedding suppliers across 19 categories, both regionally & nationally.’ This means a lot to us here at Hummingbird, not only because this award is given by those in the wedding industry but also because votes were only allowed from couples whose stationery we have made. This means that it’s your feedback & votes which have helped to win us this award, this makes us twice as grateful! Thank you! As winner of the East…

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Perfect Wedding Awards 2011

22nd September 2011

We were totally thrilled to win BEST STATIONERY in this years Perefect Wedding Awards! We were invited down to THE SAWN at THE GLOBE  (a very lovely location, overlooking the river) the sun was shining for an afternoon of champagne, nibbles and treats….they even had an oyster bar! It was the first award event that they have held and was a great success. We are also featured in this months edition (OCTOBER) in their feature: “10 Questions To Ask Your Stationery Company”!!

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Perfect Wedding Awards Winners’ Event!

21st September 2011

Right about now Suzi is on a train to London on her way to a very exciting event..  she’s attending the Perfect Wedding Awards to accept our prize as winner of the Best Wedding Stationery category! We are so honoured to receive this award, even more so because it was voted for by you, our customers. The winners’ event  is being held at The Swan at The Globe in London (a beautiful location) & is being followed by champagne  & afternoon tea. Perfect! Congratulations to all the other Perfect Wedding Award winners! I hope you have a truly fantastic afternoon.

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Greetings from Hummingbird Cards, the store is temporarily closed until further notice, thank you for your patience.

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