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The Wedding Diary … Country Flowers

Hooray, I’ve found my ‘Perfect Shoes’ and  I’m feeling ever so slightly Carey Bradshaw at the moment as I have to keep having a peek in the box.

That’s not a clue by the way for those that keep asking!

Next to arrange were the flowers, I knew exactly what I wanted but were they even in season, could the florist even get them. My dream flowers would have been from the hedgerows but having a September wedding heading into autumn kind of meant there would be little if nothing to pick. So I put my list together. Cow Parsley was a must, David Austin Blush full roses and any vintage looking roses, White Hydrangea, Lavender, Mint, Rosemary, Senecio or Eucalyptus & Gypsophila of course.

I’ve become a real hoarder for the wedding, collecting jam jars and getting friends and family to do the same. All the tables will be scattered with a wonderful mix of pretty jars with random flowers and herbs. The church flowers  I must confess are still a gem of an idea but I plan to use lots of Gypsophila, silver birch branches, white hydrangea again and then lots of candles. But we’ll see.

So the to do list is getting ticked off and I do believe I’ve started to drive the girls in the studio slightly mad with my wedding banter!

Greetings from Hummingbird Cards, the store is temporarily closed until further notice, thank you for your patience.

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