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Themes and trends

We’ve just found the amazing Kristine Go and her amazing work, she is the Creative Director & Curator for Pattern Curator.

Pattern Curator collects images and photos to create really visual and inspirational story boards. Their goal is to inspire and connect like minded creative individuals, like us… and since finding them we have loved checking out the website for updates and new theme boards! With our fashion background and love for working on themes we have found Patter Curartor so helpful. They look at everything from print, pattern and colour trends, each board is curated visually in a way that is directional, relevant and trend-right. So whether you’re in the industry, an artist, designer, student, blogger, bride or have an interest in pretty pics, we hope you are inspired just as much as we are to create something amazing.

Here’s just a few of the boards we’re loving.

Pale Blush

Our favourite colour theme here at The Hummingbird Card Company, we love all shades of cosmetic, nude and blush. They look stunning mixed with soft shades of silver and dove grey too.


Garden Variety

Perfect prints, patterns and colour palette to mix with our Garden Party invitations.


Pixie Princess

We’re just loving this theme, watch out for our ‘Enchanted Secret Garden’ collection!


Spring Garden

Vintage rose pinks are just adorable …always.


 Aviary Garden

It wouldn’t be natural if we didn’t love a bird or two here at Hummingbird! Pretty shades for our Vintage Birdcage collection.


Major Laser

And of course…laser cutting is our passion and love. We think laser cutting is perfect for wedding stationery, its eye catching, something a little different and hey its on trend too!


Check out the Pattern Curator for lots more inspirational boards and ideas!

Greetings from Hummingbird Cards, the store is temporarily closed until further notice, thank you for your patience.

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